Hereford : 01432 655013
Hereford Paving Contractors
Vincent Carey Rd, Rotherwas Industrial Estate, Hereford HR2 6FE

Block vs Resin Paving

Both both paving and resin bound are excellent options for a driveway or patio. Here are some of the most features and differences between them.

Block vs Resin Paving: Which Is More Cost-Effective?

When sprucing up your driveway, choosing the right material is crucial for aesthetics and budget. Block paving and resin paving are popular choices, each with its own set of benefits. But when affordability comes into play, homeowners often wonder: is block paving cheaper than resin paving?

Understanding the cost implications of both options can be a game-changer for your home improvement plans. They’re not just about the initial outlay; long-term maintenance costs can also sway your decision. Let’s delve into the factors that affect the cost-efficiency of block and resin paving, ensuring you make an informed choice that won’t break the bank.

Block Paving: Cost and Durability

Block paving is renowned for durability and its classic aesthetic appeal. Homeowners favour this material due to its ability to withstand heavy loads and resist weather-related damage over time. It’s constructed from various materials such as concrete, clay, or natural stone, each with its unique price point and lifespan.

This guide applies to standard block paving and not permeable paving. Even though they share many similar functions as paving and are made very similar in design, permeable paving is not block paving and is more expensive due to the sub-base and base preparation.

The cost of block paving is often viewed as one of the most competitive options in the market. However, one shouldn’t be swayed by the upfront costs alone. The price for block paving can vary significantly, hinging on factors like material quality, the complexity of the design, and the base preparation required. To give a rough estimate:

Material Average Cost per Square Metre (including VAT)
Concrete £20 – £60
Clay £70 – £100
Natural Stone £50 – £110

These figures are indicative and can vary based on location, design intricacies, and additional features such as edging or patterns.

Maintenance should also be a consideration when assessing cost efficiency. Block paving necessitates routine care, which includes cleaning, re-sanding, and sealing to maintain its appearance and prolong its life. Regular maintenance can fend off common issues like weed growth and subsidence. Although this adds to the overall expenditure, homeowners appreciate that well-maintained block paving can last for decades, offering a solid return on investment.

When installed and maintained correctly, block paving can last up to 20 years or more, establishing it as a long-term paving solution. The ability to replace individual blocks easily without disturbing the entire surface adds to its practicality, reducing the costs and hassle of repairs.

If something happens to the surface, the block paving can be repaired or relaid, whereas the resin surface will need to be replaced entirely.

As homeowners deliberate between block paving and resin paving, it’s clear that block paving presents a potent mix of affordability and durability. They must weigh the initial installation costs against the potential long-term savings due to block paving’s robust nature and lifespan. Considering these factors ensures that they’re not only selecting a cost-effective solution but also investing in the lasting quality of their property.

Resin Paving: Cost and Longevity

Resin paving is quickly becoming a popular alternative to block paving due to its smooth finish and flexible design options. When assessing the cost of resin driveways, several factors must be considered. Firstly, the price of materials plays a significant role. While the resin itself is not overly expensive, the aggregate used in the mixture can vary in price depending on the type and colour chosen. As a rough estimate, the cost of materials and installation for a resin driveway can range between £40 and £70 per square metre.

Another vital cost aspect is preparing the existing driveway. Resin paving requires a stable and porous base to ensure a long-lasting finish. Additional groundwork could add to the overall costs if the current driveway is unsuitable. However, resin can sometimes be laid over an existing stable surface, such as concrete, which can reduce initial expenses.

Longevity is another important factor. Resin paving is praised for its durability and lifespan. Proper installation and care ensure a resin driveway lasts over 25 years. Its resistance to weed growth and weather damage and its easy-to-clean surface make resin an attractive option for homeowners looking for a long-term paving solution.

Resin Paving Aspect Cost per Square Metre (Estimation) Longevity
Material & Installation £40 to £70 25+ years

In terms of maintenance, resin driveways are relatively low maintenance compared to block paving. They require regular sweeping and occasional power washing to maintain appearance and functionality. This reduces the long-term maintenance costs and effort, as there’s no need for re-sanding or sealing like block paving.

Homeowners need to weigh all these factors – initial cost, maintenance requirements, and expected lifespan – when deciding on the type of paving that best fits their budget and long-term expectations. Resin paving, while possibly more costly upfront than block paving options, boasts a balance of longevity and reduced maintenance that can translate into cost savings over time.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Block Paving

When homeowners weigh the options for driveway materials, they must take into account the numerous factors that affect the cost of block paving. These vary widely and can have a substantial impact on the overall price.

Material Quality is paramount. Block paving comes in a range of materials, such as concrete, clay, and natural stone. High-quality materials often come with a heftier price tag but offer greater durability and a more exquisite finish. Concrete is usually the most affordable option, whereas clay and natural stone are pricier but provide a more premium look.

The Complexity of Design also plays a crucial role. Simple, straightforward patterns cost less to install than intricate, bespoke designs. A herringbone pattern might be more expensive to lay than a standard stretcher bond due to the additional labour involved.

Preparation Work required before installing block paving significantly influences the cost. If the existing driveway needs considerable excavation or there’s a need for substantial ground levelling and sub-base installation, expenses can rise sharply.

Another significant factor is Driveway Size; larger driveways obviously require more materials and labour, thus increasing the total cost. In addition, the property’s Location can affect not just the labour costs but also the price of materials, which may vary regionally.

Labour Costs are also a critical component. Prices fluctuate depending on the contractors’ expertise, reputation, and location. It’s crucial to seek multiple quotes to ensure competitive pricing without compromising on quality.

Finally, unforeseen issues such as drainage problems or difficult-to-remove existing materials could increase the project’s complexity and cost.

By considering these factors, homeowners can better understand the potential costs associated with block paving for their driveway. It’s advised to budget accordingly, considering that investing in quality and professional installation can lead to less maintenance and a longer lifespan for the driveway.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Resin Paving

When homeowners explore the cost of resin driveways, they’ll find that several factors can influence the final price tag. Like block paving, the quality of materials and the job’s complexity play a significant role. However, with resin paving, the type of resin used and the choice of aggregate also contribute to cost variations.

Type of Resin
There are two main types of resin: polyurethane and epoxy. Polyurethane resin tends to be more resistant to UV light and less prone to discoloration over time, but it often comes at a higher cost than epoxy.

Aggregate Choice
The aggregate, essentially small stones, is mixed with the resin to create the driveway’s surface. Varieties of aggregate vary in price depending on their type, size, colour, and availability. Opting for a rarer or more luxurious aggregate can substantially increase costs.

Driveway Size and Thickness
Like block paving, the size of the driveway determines the amount of material needed, which naturally impacts the cost. The thickness of the resin layer is another factor – a thicker layer offers more durability but will be costlier due to the increased amount of resin and aggregate required.

Preparation and Installation
The condition of the existing driveway or sub-base can affect the preparation work needed. A sound, stable sub-base is crucial; any additional preparation to achieve this will increase costs. The installation process is skilled work, so the labour rates for experienced installers can make up a significant portion of the budget.

Location and Accessibility
Lastly, where the property is situated can affect the cost of materials and labour. If the property is located in an area with higher living costs or if the site is particularly difficult to access, homeowners can expect to pay more for their resin driveway.

By factoring in these elements, homeowners can estimate the cost of resin paving based on their specific needs and preferences, bearing in mind that such an investment adds aesthetic value and functionality to their property.

Comparing the Initial Costs

When homeowners deliberate between block paving and resin paving, the initial costs are a paramount consideration. Block paving typically involves individual bricks or stones with their own price tags. The cost of materials and labour for block paving can vary significantly depending on the type of blocks chosen and the complexity of the design.

Resin paving, on the other hand, may appear to be more costly at first glance. However, when evaluating its longevity and low maintenance, the initial investment often pays off. The costs of resin are influenced by the quality of the resin and the type and quantity of aggregate used.

To provide a clearer cost comparison, here is a breakdown of average initial costs for both types of paving for a standard 40 square meter driveway in the UK:

Paving Type Average Cost per Square Meter Total Average Cost
Block Paving £45 – £80 £1,800 – £3,200
Resin Bound Paving £40 – £70 £1,600 – £2,800

These figures illustrate that resin paving can be competitive with block paving, often making it an economical choice given its durability and the added value it provides. Homeowners should seek quotations from reputable contractors who can assess their property and give a more detailed estimate tailored to their specific needs.

The time and effort required for installation also affect the overall cost. Block paving installations can be more time-consuming due to the laying of individual blocks, potentially increasing labour costs. Resin driveways, while potentially quicker to install, require a skilled team to ensure a smooth, even surface.

Homeowners should also consider that both block and resin paving may incur additional costs for site preparation, including excavation and the laying of a suitable sub-base, which is crucial for a long-lasting, stable driveway. Accessibility and location can affect these costs, as challenging sites might necessitate specialised equipment or extra labour.

When assessing which option is more cost-effective, the decision should not be swayed by the immediate price tag alone. The property owner must also weigh the durability, maintenance, aesthetic appeal, and long-term value added to their property.

Comparing the Long-Term Costs

The long-term costs should never be overlooked when assessing the financial aspects of block paving vs resin paving. While resin driveways are generally more expensive to install, they can offer bigger savings over time.

The durability of resin paving means it’s less susceptible to damage and degradation. Resin surfaces resist weeds, are UV-stable, and don’t lose colour or strength quickly. This contrasts block paving, which may need repairs and frequent maintenance, such as re-sanding and sealing, to maintain its appearance and functionality over the years.

One key factor that sways the cost-effectiveness balance in favour of resin paving is its minimal maintenance requirements. Below is an average yearly cost comparison for maintaining block paving and resin paving:

Maintenance Service Block Paving (£) Resin Paving (£)
Cleaning 50 – 150 20 – 50
General Repairs 100 – 300 0 – 50
Resealing 150 – 200 0 – 100
Weed Treatment 50 – 100 0 – 20

Longevity and Resale Value

Besides annual maintenance, considering the lifespan of each paving option is crucial. Block paving typically lasts around 15-20 years, while resin paving can last over 25 years if properly installed and maintained. Property owners also note that resin driveways’ modern and sleek look enhances the kerb appeal and could potentially increase a property’s resale value.

It’s important for homeowners to think about the initial outlay and how much they’re willing to invest in upkeep. Calculating the cost of replacements and the possibility of a higher frequency of repairs with block paving often reveals that the initial savings are negated.

Seasoned homeowners recommend fully understanding product warranties, as these can also affect the total costs over a driveway’s lifetime. Reputable contractors should offer guarantees that align with the expected lifespan of their paving solutions.

Site-specific conditions also affect the cost equation. Areas with extreme weather conditions or heavy traffic require more durable solutions, such as resin paving, which withstands such challenges more effectively than block paving.


Deciding between block paving and resin paving for driveways hinges on more than just the initial outlay. Homeowners must weigh up durability, maintenance needs, and aesthetic preferences alongside the cost. While block paving can seem the more economical choice upfront, resin paving often proves its worth over time with its robustness and minimal upkeep. It’s crucial to factor in the long-term financial benefits, such as the potential for savings on maintenance and the added resale value to your property.

Ultimately, the best investment aligns with your specific circumstances and the unique characteristics of your site. Choosing the right option will ensure that your driveway stands the test of time both functionally and financially.


